Cleaning Tips

This month's tip:


Carpet Care Spotting Guide
Easy to use home remedies for removal of the most common spot problems

This information is given for those who want to try to remove spots on their own.
If you are not comfortable with any of the procedures listed, you may contact us at 252-338-2244. We will be happy to come out and attempt to remove them for you. To avoid damaging your carpet, follow the instructions below exactly. Do not use these procedures on upholstered furniture as spot cleaning can easily damage certain delicate fabrics.

Remember that with any spot or spill that occurs, TIME is of the essence. Immediate action and removal will yield the best results.

Spot Removal Steps
1. Use a spoon or a dull knife to remove all solid materials.

2. Blot up liquids with a clean, white, dry towel. Never rub, scrub or brush the carpet as this can cause excessive wear and permanently damage the carpet fibers.

3. Work from the outside to the center with larger spills.

4. Apply all cleaning agents to the white towel.  Never apply directly to the carpet, as this can damage the backing if too much is used.

5. Use the steps and solutions in the cleaning code in the order given until you no longer see improvement, then proceed to the next step if the spot remains.

6. Always use white distilled vinegar as the last step before rinsing, if you have used ammonia during the process, even if the spot is already gone. Vinegar (low pH) neutralizes ammonia (high pH) and is a safe product to leave behind. It is not necessary to neutralize vinegar.

7. Rinse the last cleaning solution you've used by spraying with clear water and blotting one area with a clean, dry, white towel. You may use a wet/dry vacuum to extract out excess moisture prior to the towel if you have one but this is not necessary.

8 Once you have removed all visible stain, place a dry towel over the area. Then place a heavy colorfast object, such as a plastic waste basket with a weight inside, on the towel. Continue this procedure by replacing the wet towels with dry ones until the area is nearly dry. Remove the weight and towel, then gently brush the carpet fibers with your hand to lift the tufts. Allow the area to completely dry before walking on it.


Spot Cleaning Techniques

Cleaning Codes
A= Ammonia solution. Mix 1 Tablespoon of non- bleaching, non-sudsing ammonia in 1 cup of luke-warm water.
V= Vinegar Solution. Mix equal parts of white distilled vinegar and lukewarm water.
MSR= Master spot remover. All Purpose Carpet Spotter or mix 1 teaspoon of white dish detergent and 1 cup of warm water.
VAC= Dry vacuum.
DFC*= Dry cleaning solution such as Odorless Mineral Spirits
NPR= Non-acetone, non-greasy nail polish remover.
CQCCC= Call Quality Carpet Care for advice or an appointment at 252-338-2244
*= Always wear rubber gloves and work in well ventilated area.

Types of Spots
Alcoholic Beverage- MSR, V
Bleach- V, CQCCC
Blood (dried)- A, MSR, V, CQCC (peroxide)
Blood (wet)*- MSR, V, CQCC (peroxide)
Carbon, Graphite, Toner- VAC, MSR
Chewing Gum- DCF, MSR
Chocolate- A, MSR, V
Coffee- V, MSR
Excrement- MSR, V
Furniture Polish- DCF, MSR, A, V
Grass- A, MSR, V, CQCC
Glue (white)- MSR, CQCC
Grease (food or other)- DCF, MSR
Ice Cream- MSR, V
Juice*- A, MSR, V
Medicine-A, MSR, V
Mud- VAC, A, MSR, V
Mustard- A, MSR, CQCC
Nail Polish- NPR, V, CQCC
Paint (latex, wet)- MSR, CQCC
Paint (latex, dry)- DCF, CQCC
Paint (oil, wet or dry)- DCF
Shoe Polish- DCF, MSR, V
Soft Drinks- A, MSR, V
Tea- V, MSR
Urine- V, MSR, CQCC
Vomit- V, A, MSR
Wax- Heat with a hair dryer until it glistens, blot with
a dry towel, Repeat until gone.
Wine*-A, MSR, V

*- Flush with cool water first

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